Effortlessly exchange any type of files with
your trading partners over AS2,
as easily as exchanging emails, but with guaranteed
security and
Achieve seamless AS2 communication with your trading partners in minutes. No purchases, downloads, installations, or maintenance are required.
In modern business operations, efficient data exchange is crucial for maintaining streamlined workflows and ensuring secure transactions. AS2 (Applicability Statement 2) has emerged as a reliable protocol for facilitating secure and reliable file transfers over the Internet. If you're looking to optimize your file transfer processes using AS2, MFT Gateway is the perfect solution.
The data is encrypted before sending and can only be decrypted by the recipient who has the corresponding decryption key, ensuring that the information remains private and secure during transit.
Each party involved in AS2 communication encrypts the data using the recipient's public key, and the recipient decrypts it with their private key, ensuring that only the intended recipient can read the message.
AS2 employs digital signatures, ensuring that the message has not been altered and confirming the identity of the sender. This adds a layer of trust to the transaction and protects the integrity of the exchanged data.
With AS2 Protocol your data is secured at every stage of the transfer from the sender’s system, across the network, to the recipient’s system ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity.
Watch the replay to learn how AS2 works and how MFT Gateway, our hosted Software as a Service (SaaS) solution for AS2 file exchange, brings security, reliability, and convenience to your B2B workflow.
Struggling to get on board with AS2 EDI? Boost your performance with our SaaS AS2 Solution for managed file transfer.
With 24x7 Customer Support, Onboarding & Training included for all users at no extra cost,
we simplified AS2 Communications.
Configure your AS2 Stations, Partners, and test end-to-end connectivity and integrations
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Our pricing plans optimize costs with a pay-as-you-go approach. View pricing for more details.
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