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Solutions SFTP File Tranfer

What is SFTP File Transfer

SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) is a protocol used for securely transferring files between computers over a network. It is a secure extension of the traditional FTP protocol and operates over SSH (Secure Shell) protocol, providing encryption and authentication.

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How does SFTP work ?

SFTP Client

Encrypted Tunnel

SFTP Server

SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) works by establishing a secure channel over an SSH (Secure Shell) connection to facilitate secure file transfers between a client and a server.

  1. Establishing SSH Connection
  • SFTP operates within an SSH session, leveraging SSH for authentication and encryption.
  • The client initiates an SSH connection to the server using the server's hostname or IP address, along with authentication credentials (username and password or SSH keys).

  1. Authentication
  • Once the SSH connection is established, the server authenticates the client's identity using the provided credentials.
  • Authentication can be password-based (client enters a password) or key-based (client presents an SSH key pair).

  1. Encryption
  • After successful authentication, an encrypted SSH tunnel is created between the client and the server.
  • All subsequent communication, including file transfers and commands, is encrypted using strong cryptographic algorithms (e.g., AES for data encryption).

  1. SFTP Subsystem
  • Within the SSH session, the SFTP subsystem is initiated, which provides a platform-independent file transfer protocol.
  • SFTP operates as a subsystem of SSH, allowing it to use the SSH connection for secure communication.

  1. File Transfer Operations
  • Using the SFTP client (e.g., command-line utility, graphical client), the client can issue commands to perform file transfer operations (e.g., upload, download, delete, list directory contents) on the remote server.
  • These SFTP commands are sent over the encrypted SSH connection to the server.

  1. Data Transfer
  • When transferring files, data is encrypted before being sent over the SSH connection.
  • For file uploads (client to server), the client sends encrypted data packets containing the file contents to the server.
  • For file downloads (server to client), the server encrypts and sends data packets containing the requested file contents to the client.

  1. Control Channel
  • SFTP uses a single control channel over the SSH connection for sending commands and receiving responses.
  • Additional data channels may be established for file transfers, especially when transferring large files or directories.

  1. End of Session
  • Once file transfer operations are complete, the client can disconnect from the SFTP server, terminating the SSH session.
  • The encrypted SSH tunnel is closed, ensuring that no further communication can occur without re-establishing a new SSH connection.

Benefits of using SFTP when EDI File Transfer

Using SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) for EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) offers several benefits compared to other methods of file transfer, such as FTP (File Transfer Protocol) or unsecured methods like email. Here are the key benefits of using SFTP for EDI file transfer

Data Integrity
Ease of Implementation
Benefits of MFT Solution
Seamless Integration with existing B2B applications

In the corporate world, sometimes we may have to work with existing legacy systems due to various reasons. Perhaps the other systems are tightly bound with this legacy system and it is not within your budget to upgrade them all. Perhaps you or the decision makers in your organization are satisfied with the current system and do not want to take an unnecessary risk by upgrading them.

For whichever reason, there may be situations where you cannot use the REST API or the S3 integration with your existing legacy systems. For such cases, MFT Gateway also provides a SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) integration, which is supported and popular among most legacy systems.

Seamless Integration with existing B2B applications
Seamless Integration with existing B2B applications

When you enable SFTP integration on the MFT Gateway console, you need to provide a username for the SFTP access. Then if you already have an SSH key pair, you can upload the public key to be used with SFTP, or otherwise you can ask the MFT Gateway to generate a new SSH key pair. In the later approach, you can download the generated private key from the web UI itself.

Once this is set up, you can access your MFT SFTP directory using any SFTP client available. The structure of the SFTP directory will be the same as the S3 bucket structure.

Seamless Integration with existing B2B applications
Seamless Integration with existing B2B applications

Files received


Files to be sent


Files sent


Similar to S3, When retrieving received messages via SFTP integration, the most trivial approach is to configure your system to poll the received file path periodically. But if you can use Webhook integration along with SFTP integration, you can configure the system to listen for the Webhook message received event and then pick those files from SFTP when available. This could reduce your network cost as well as the processing cost.

👉 SFTP Integration Documentation
Seamless Integration with existing B2B applications

How to log into the MFT Gateway SFTP server from

Here we’ll discuss how we can log into the MFT Gateway SFTP server from WinSCP SFTP Client

How to log into the MFT Gateway SFTP server from
FileZilla SFTP

This guide will cover how we can log into the MFT Gateway SFTP server from FileZilla SFTP Client

Enable SFTP Connection with MFT Gateway

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